Mastering Conflict

When managed well, differing opinions and experiences are among the most valuable resources of any organization. They drive creative thinking and team development, and they help us make smarter decisions. But all too often, differences either get suppressed or become fuel for unproductive arguments. The skills in this training will help you transform conflicts not only within your team, but also with other departments, customers, suppliers, and anyone else with whom you fail to see eye to eye. The modules we cover include:

  • Managing differences: Learn to discuss disagreements in ways that promote creativity, innovation, and collaborative problem solving. (1 hr)
  • Resolving group conflicts: Break deadlocks and discover integrative, win-win solutions with a powerful process that can resolve even the toughest group conflicts. (2 hrs)
  • Building resilience: Expand your capacity to use criticism and mistakes as learning opportunities, without taking things personally. (2 hrs)
  • Channeling frustration: Learn a systematic method for working through anger or frustration and communicating your concerns constructively. (1½ hrs)
  • Defusing hostility: Practice the single most effective strategy for helping anyone who’s angry to calm down and start thinking rationally again. (1½ hrs)

Choose a format that works for you: Build a comprehensive conflict management skill set with our full 8-hour training, or mix-and-match individual modules to fit your schedule.